Engine Part Supply


Aeromat offers a large range of aircraft engine parts and accessories available for sale, exchange or loan. These parts and accessories come from  disassembled engines or  MRO and Airlines surplus stocks.

CFMI Engines

   •  CFM56-2
•  CFM56-3C
•  CFM56-5A
•  CFM56-5B
•  CFM56-5C
•  CFM56-7B

   •  Leap 1A /1B

We are supporting maintenance shops, airlines and OEM within our range of CFM56 spares parts and modules ready for take-off!

GE Engines

•  CF6-80C2
•  CF6-50C2

Pratt & Whitney

•  JT8D
•  JT9D
•  PW4000-94
•  PW4000-100
•  PW4000-112

IAE Engines

•  V2500-A5